
對於 Wrap Third-Party Libraries 這個觀念的了解,最知名的應該是來自下面這一段話:

In fact, wrapping third-party APIs is a best practice. When you wrap a third-party API, you minimize your dependencies upon it: You can choose to move to a different library in the future without much penalty. Wrapping also makes it easier to mock out third-party calls when you are testing your own code.

One final advantage of wrapping is that you aren’t tied to a particular vendor’s API design choices. You can define an API that you feel comfortable with.

Robert C. Martin, Chapter 7, Error Handling, Clean Code


We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection, except for the problem of too many levels of indirection.

Fundamental theorem of software engineering

還有些其它好處,比如當被包覆的工具在改版後有 Breaking Change 時,透過這個中間層(Indirection)就能集中處理掉,而不必到處去修改有使用到的檔案。

也能在 wrapper 這裡共享設定簡化呼叫介面,限制可用的功能,或是提供額外的功能。

Every solution of a problem raises new unsolved problems

Karl Popper, Conjectures and Refutations

當然還是有一些地方要注意,引入這個抽象層除了帶來額外的整合測試需求外,還得撰寫更多文件說明來緩解 The Law of Leaky Abstractions,但這些都是軟體開發本來就該做好的,我認為相較於好處來說壞處不大。

更多詳細的解說內容可以參考 Why You Should (Often) Wrap Your Dependencies 這篇文章。